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How to create meow BottomNavigationBar in Sketchware Pro

How to create meow BottomNavigationBar in Sketchware Pro

To create a "Meow Bottom Navigation" in Sketchware Pro, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Sketchware Pro: Launch the Sketchware Pro app on your device.

2. Create a New Project: Start a new project by clicking on the "Create New Project" button or selecting "New Project" from the menu.

3. Set Up the Layout:

   - Once inside your new project, navigate to the layout editor.

   - Add a bottom navigation component to your layout by dragging and dropping a BottomNavigationView from the palette onto your layout canvas.

4. Customize the Bottom Navigation:

   - Select the BottomNavigationView component on the layout canvas.

   - In the properties panel, customize attributes such as menu items, icons, and colors to match the "Meow Bottom Navigation" style.

5. Add Menu Items:

   - Click on the BottomNavigationView component to open its properties.

   - Find the "Menu" attribute and click on the ellipsis (...) button to edit the menu items.

   - Add menu items for each section of your app by providing a title and icon for each.

6. Design Icons:

   - Design or find icons that represent each section of your app. Ensure they follow the "Meow Bottom Navigation" style.

7. Assign Actions to Menu Items:

   - For each menu item, specify the action that should occur when it's clicked. This could be navigating to a different page or performing a specific action within the app.

8. Implement Navigation Logic:

   - In the Sketchware Pro blocks editor, implement the logic to handle navigation when each menu item is clicked.

   - Use blocks to detect when a menu item is selected and then execute the corresponding action.

9. Test Your App:

   - After designing and implementing the bottom navigation, test your app to ensure that it functions as expected.

   - Navigate between sections using the bottom navigation to verify that the correct actions are triggered.

10. Refine and Iterate:

    - Fine-tune the design and functionality of your "Meow Bottom Navigation" as needed based on testing and feedback.

    - Iterate on your design to improve user experience and ensure a seamless navigation experience within your app.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a "Meow Bottom Navigation" in Sketchware Pro for your Android app

Important files here 

Some codes , java files codes &  Block 

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