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How to create vpn app in Sketchwhare Pro

How to create vpn app in Sketchware Pro
Vpn_app_thumb Vpn_app_thumb Vpn_app_thumb


A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts your internet connection, enhancing privacy and security by masking your IP address. It allows you to access region-restricted content and safely use public Wi-Fi. VPNs protect data from hackers and tracking by hiding your online activities. They can bypass censorship and internet restrictions in certain countries. However, VPN performance may vary, affecting internet speed and reliability.


  1. Encryption: Securely encrypts your internet traffic to protect data from eavesdroppers.
  2. IP Address Masking: Hides your real IP address, enhancing anonymity and bypassing geo-restrictions.
  3. No-Logs Policy: Ensures that the VPN provider doesn't keep records of your online activities.
  4. Kill Switch: Automatically disconnects your internet if the VPN connection drops, preventing data leaks.
  5. Multiple Server Locations: Provides access to servers in various countries for better speed and content access.
Admin Panel 10kb
User Panel 10kb

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