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How to create ChatGPT Clone app in Sketchware PRO

How to create ChatGPT Clone app in Sketchware PRO
Note - this is real process but i'll teach you how to create using webview widget by Cody AI 

Creating a ChatGPT Clone app in Sketchware PRO involves utilizing the OpenAI ChatGPT API to integrate AI-powered conversations into your app. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Set Up Sketchware PRO: Install Sketchware PRO on your device and familiarize yourself with its interface and block-based programming approach.

  2. Create an OpenAI Account and Retrieve API Key: Sign up for an OpenAI account and acquire an API key to access the ChatGPT API. This key will be used to authenticate your app's requests to the API.

  3. Design the App Interface: Use Sketchware PRO's visual design tools to create the app's user interface (UI). This includes designing the chat screen, input field, and output area for displaying responses.

  4. Implement Input Handling: Create blocks to capture user input from the text field. This will involve handling text changes and storing the input text.

  5. Integrate ChatGPT API: Utilize the HTTP Client block to connect to the ChatGPT API using your API key. Construct the API request with the user input text and send it to the API endpoint.

  6. Process API Response: Parse the JSON response received from the ChatGPT API to extract the AI-generated response text.

  7. Display AI Response: Update the output area of the chat screen with the AI-generated response text, creating a natural conversation flow.

  8. Enhance the App: Consider adding features like saving conversations, customizing the chat appearance, and implementing additional AI functionalities.

  9. Test and Deploy: Thoroughly test the app to ensure it functions correctly and provides a seamless user experience. Once satisfied, deploy the app to the desired platform, such as the Google Play Store.

1. Create  your Own

 All codes for webview

Title - Script enable code
Title - Zoom enable/disable code


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